Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mix and Taste

Taste, testing and....

mixing things up.

Isi loves having her little cooking set out with some goodies while mom fixes something yummy.
Isi's last allergist appointment went great. She is responding to her meds well, which now she only needs to take as needed, her skin cleared up, and we took a few things out of her diet just to be safe.

Things are all going well around here. I started yoga classes and am loving it. I am hoping to somehow get out twice a week, I really need to get out of the house a bit. My mom also just arrived in town with Terry last Wednesday. Looks like we will be heading up to Sedona tomorrow for a little scenery and art shopping, then off to the Grand Canyon next weekend. That should mean some good pictures coming up.

Here is Isi hanging out watching one of Athena's soccer games. Too bad I had the camera on a bad setting and none of my pictures turned out of her. I can tell you, Athena is going to be a much better player than I ever was and her outfit rocks so I can't wait to show it off.

We had a really, really, really late birthday party for Hera due to friends and herself being out of town. We took her just today to a pottery painting studio where the kids got to go crazy for 2 hours. These are our friends Jenna, Jordan, Christina and Shea.

Friday the 21st we are off to have our Biometrics done for the Green Card. Pretty fancy term Biometrics, should be interesting. No, this does not involve retina scanning although that technology does exist. The government will now officially know more about us than most people in the US. I haven't decided if I am more excited about getting the Green Card or kind of freaked that we are doing all of this for government records.

That's all for now, I hope you all are doing well and you'll check back in soon.

Love The Sfikas Family

Isi's new words - (H)Appy Day, help (hep), cheers, pretty, home, turtle (tootol), yummy-yummy, Anna (for Athena), and hun.