Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Home, Sweet Home

We are finally home! It's been a long month so keep checking in because it is going to take a few posts to catch up.
Sadly I am starting off with the news of our beloved and loyal little guy, Java, has passed away while we were out of town. We miss him tremendously and he will always be in our hearts.
Shifting gears from death to life, my good friend had a handsome baby boy! I was very anxious to get up to Vancouver early to be able to see the baby asap after being born. I thought for sure I was going to miss her having the little guy but he decided to wait for Auntie Char. Good boy!
Up next I am posting Isi dancing with her doll at the Greek Food Festival. Isi couldn't get over the dancing and music. The kids even participated in a Greek Dance lesson. The next day I had the worst food hangover in my life. I think the human body is only able to process so much garlic at a time.

It was great to see some of Ted's family from Greece. The kids played great with the twins and they taught each other some new words. Hide and Seek, along with Cosmic Catch (basically an electronic version of hot potato) were the big hit games played where everyone could participate without trying to translate too many rules.
The weather was great and Isi still insisted on being almost naked all the time. This is something that is starting to become a regular, bad habit. What are you supposed to do when your kid is screaming at the top of their lungs in public trying to rip her clothes off? Is it legal to let them walk around in a diaper?

To wrap things up for today, here are a few pictures of Vancouver from the Sea Wall outside our cousins apartment. It was a little cloudy but warm and always beautiful.

This was Ted before a bird pooped all over him! In his hair and all over his shirt. Supposedly it's good luck, (whatever makes him feel better)! Thank goodness he was able to shower at his cousins and borrow a shirt.

Stay tuned for more,