Soula, Yiayia, Papoo, Ted, Katherine, Hera, Isi and Athena.
I love Isi's crossed feet in this photo. She has done this since she was born but now that she is older you don't see it so often. There was a man in the background of this picture and I am pretty proud at how well I got rid of him.
At the reception, while diner was taking place, Isi decided she liked to lie down in the middle of the dance floor all by herself.
All my gorgeous girls.
Everything at Chris and Artie's wedding was beautiful. Ted was the MC. I missed all the speeches because of a little monster. Even though I started wishing I hired a nanny I was honored the whole family could take part on such a beautiful day of two people who are so special to us. I had my hands so tied with the baby I am counting on some of you to send me a few pictures because these are seriously, the only ones I have (I love taking lots of photos).