It's been a slow week around here. That doesn't happen too often.
Hera took part in a talent show Friday doing a Pom routine. She had tons of support from all her friends who clapped and cheered for her, it was really great.
Ted was in San Diego all last week. Now that this is the kids last week of school, hopefully we can tag along with him sometime in the next month since this will be a pretty regular trip for him. Sea World, here we come.
Here is the bag I made before I felted. The colors are a little ugly but everything came together great and in the end the colors worked well.
Here it is finished and decorated.
I also knit up this shawl. It has just a little sparkle in it and I am very proud of it.
Along with all this knitting I finished painting another wall in the living room. Only two more to go. Each wall takes me about 8 hours (ouch). We are also redoing our bedroom with some new furniture and hopefully a fresh coat of paint. I can't wait to post some pictures when it starts coming together. My proudest piece is the gorgeous frame I custom ordered for our wedding crowns. Finally they will have a worthy frame and place on my wall.
Chat again soon!
Love Charmaine