Monday, January 15, 2007

New Project

Thought I would show my new painting project. I am trying out color washing in the living room. This requires two base coats, and three top coats of glaze. I must be crazy, I know. The result I think is fantastic. Now if only Isi would sleep for more than one to two hours at a time I might get something more done than just one wall.
Lot's of updates for the week. Hera is starting art club at school and here she is
pictured performing a cheer for parent night. Athena has joined the chess club, now she will have some competition since I prove to be no challenge. We are also trying to find a better soccer association for Athena to be part of. The last one was hard to enjoy due to very poor organization.
Ted had his doctors appointment this week and there is no question that is disc is so badly degenerated and pushing against some nerves he has to go in for surgery. Not all the exercise and diet in the world is going to fix this one. Surgery will happen February 13th. Nice valentines day gift or what? All you woman out there know exactly what I mean. In the meantime he has to do more x-rays, blood work and paper work all for the big day. His doctor said there is a good chance he will feel a huge difference the moment he wakes up. I can't wait just to be saved from all his tossing, turning all night because he can't get comfortable.

Till next week,
Kalee Evthomatha