Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June 2009 Recital!

I can't believe we are almost through with June and I am already making plans for July. Our biggest highlight so far this month has been the much anticipated dance recital. This took up two whole days, one for rehearsals, the second for the two shows the kids put on. Hera and Isi both took part in the first show and as for the late show only Hera needed to be there for one of the dances. Below I am starting the loooong process of getting the girls stage makeup on. Thank goodness they just had simple hairdos. Anyone have any secrets to get a 3 year old to hold still for makeup??
I had to catch the moment before anyone wrecked all my hard work.

Ready to go! I dressed the girls once we got there and still Hera managed to put a run in her tights. Thankfully one of the ladies from the dance studio had extras she could sell me.

Isi actually wanted the lime green so she could be like Tinkerbell.

At the recital we were given the pictures the girls had done the month before. I love them!

I think the color was off for Isi's. Doesn't that look like purple instead of pink?
Everyone else is doing great. Athena finished the school year with honor three quarters and principals list last quarter (straight A's ). She is now taking guitar lessons and celebrates her 13th birthday this Saturday. I officially have a teen in the house, yikes!
Isi has started swimming classes and doesn't particularly like them. She can only handle being dunked so many times before she starts to lose it. I'll feel a lot better when she can swim a little on her own since we have the pool so she is just going to have to suffer for a little while.
Hera finished 5th grade with straight A's for the entire year and will be starting advanced math when school starts up again. She starts Art class today for the summer! She is my crafty one and I look forward to posting her creations here pretty quick.
Ted has his cast off already and can now swim. I am sure he is enjoying a cool week in Denver right now. Wish he would have taken us with him.
As for me, I have caught everyone up on dentists, and eye doctors. I am looking forward to a few slower weekends ahead. Hmmmm, might be time for a neighborhood BBQ.
Stay cool,
Love Charmaine and Family

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Story!

This is how it all went down....
Friday night was the planned business/friend/date night and we were having a couple pick us up to meet another couple at this very trendy place in Scottsdale called Saporos for Sushi (I'll admit it, there were actually a few things I almost liked). After getting home from work I held everyone up cause I was late! I hate being late! As we finally left the house we merged onto the major freeway here ( 101 ) only to land behind a mini van that was swerving back and forth across three lanes of traffic. This made me yell at Ted to phone the cops before she killed someone. We honked the horn and were having heart attacks every time she almost hit someone or a cement barricade but she wouldn't pull over. Well of course Ted is saying things like 'there she goes, she's gonna crash', then she somehow swerved at the last second saving herself. Apparently this is not what dispatchers like to hear and told Ted very, very firmly, ' Sir, please keep it to new relevant information please'. We then follow the woman off the freeway and she actually stopped at the red light where we discovered her temporary license plate was very expired. Ted asks the dispatcher, 'Should I jump into her car and stop her?? Can I make a citizens arrest??'. (Of course not!!!! Heaven only knows what she keeps trying to dig for under the seat). I think part of Ted was really liking our little chase. As soon as the light turned green, crazy lady was speeding down the street and made it two blocks before finally rear ending someone. My nurse friend and I checked on everyone and Ted reaches into crazy lady's car and takes her keys. Finally police show up and we tell them the whole story. Thank goodness the woman of the car hit was fine, just shaken up cause someone very easily could have died. The crazy lady kept reaching for something on the floor which we later saw was a crack pipe. She also had prescription drugs all over the passenger seat and had been drinking. She also had several different peoples identities and had no clue where she even was.
Crazy or what!?
Needless to say this made us very late for diner but we had a wonderful evening with friends along with a very needed extra drink for those of us not driving.

Drive safe and please, no citizen arrests.
Love Charmaine